
Showing posts from December, 2022

Feed Infants Safely during Formula Supply Shortage - Iowa State University

AMES, Iowa – Infant formula is in short supply in the United States because of supply chain issues and an infant formula recall that shut down a manufacturing facility. The situation has many families worried about how they'll feed their babies, said Lyndi Buckingham-Schutt, assistant professor and food and health state extension specialist at Iowa State University. "First, talk to your pediatrician about safe and appropriate feeding alternatives if you are unable to find a specific type of formula," Buckingham-Schutt said. "In an emergency, switching to any available formula would be OK for most infants. However, make sure to ask your pediatrician about switching if your infant uses a specialty formula." Buy formula from trusted sources , Buckingham-Schutt continued. If the bigger stores don't have the product you're looking for, check smaller stores or drug stores in your area . Do not buy formula that is individually sold from auction sites, or out...

Zoetis Expands Poultry Portfolio with Poulvac Procerta HVT-IBD-ND ... - WATTAgNet Industry News & Trends

Zoetis has expanded its poultry vaccine portfolio with the introduction of Poulvac ® Procerta ®  HVT-IBD-ND, a recombinant vector vaccine that provides early, robust protection against Marek's, infectious bursal and Newcastle disease viruses with one dose.  "Poulvac Procerta HVT-IBD-ND is the culmination of meticulous research conducted by a team of our top molecular scientists using the most advanced technology available," said Sing Rong, PhD, research director at Zoetis. "The vaccine has a unique construction and a strong promoter that helps boost immunogenicity — features that set it apart from other vaccines in the same category," she said.  The backbone of the new, trivalent vaccine is avirulent herpesvirus of turkey (HVT), which replicates in chickens and is known to be a safe and effective vector for delivering major avian antigens. It is the third recombinant vector vaccine from Zoetis, following the introduction of Poulvac ® ...

Alfalfa sprout recall tied to salmonella outbreak expanded - CBS News

A Nebraska company on Friday expanded a recall of alfalfa sprouts after 15 cases of salmonella were linked to the food. SunSprouts Enterprises doubled its recall that was first announced Thursday, Nebraska health officials said. The 1,406 pounds (638 kilograms) of raw sprouts was distributed in 4-ounce and 2.5-pound (113-gram and 1.13-kilogram) packages to food service and grocery customers in the Midwest between late November and mid-December. The recalled sprouts have best-by dates between Dec. 10, 2022, and Jan. 7, 2023. People who have the sprouts are advised to dispose of them. Of the 15 confirmed cases in which people became ill, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said two were hospitalized. Eight cases were reported in Nebraska, six in South Dakota and one in Oklahoma. The CDC said there likely are many more cases among people who didn't seek medical care. Nearly 1.4 million Americans are infected with salmonella bacteria each year...

Local Approach Needed to Increase Hepatitis B Vaccinations in ... - MD Magazine

Putri Bungsu Machmud A knowledge of the risk of infection results in higher rates of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection vaccine adherence in Indonesia, according to new research. A team, led by Putri Bungsu Machmud, Institute of Medical Epidemiology, Biometrics, and Informatics (IMEBI), Interdisciplinary Center for Health Sciences, Universitätklinikum Halle (Saale), Medical School of the Martin-Luther-University Halle–Wittenberg, assessed the factors associated with the willingness to be vaccinated against hepatitis B in Indonesia, considering cultural and geographic differences. Low Adherence to HBV Vaccines The majority of individuals with chronic hepatitis B infections do not actually know they are infected. However, this may cause hepatitis B infections to go unnoticed and undiagnosed until the virus has already caused severe liver damage. In Indonesia, there has been a zero dose of hepatitis B for newborns since 1997, followed by 3 additional doses for children. "Howe...

Adverse Events From COVID-19 Vaccines Much Higher Than All ... - The Epoch Times

The COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccines—including two with novel mRNA technology—raised concerns about the safety of these new vaccines. The CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a postmarketing vaccine surveillance program, to which anyone can report vaccine adverse events. A comparison between the adverse event reports of COVID-19 vaccines and those of other major vaccines such as those for seasonal flu, hepatitis B, HPV, measles, and polio, shows more adverse events reported in the VAERS system for the COVID-19 vaccines compared to the others in terms of the number of administered doses. For the purpose of this article, the numbers of total VAERS adverse events, serious adverse events, and deaths (considered serious adverse events) of the major vaccines are examined and compared. In places where a particular vaccine's total number of administered doses is unavailable, the vaccine coverage ratio is used to offer a general idea ab...

The Post-COVID “Immunity Gap” Continues to Pummel Pediatric Wards - The New Yorker

Annals of Medicine The Post-COVID "Immunity Gap" Continues to Pummel Pediatric Wards This year, a much larger cohort of kids—not just kids in the first winter of life but also older toddlers—are getting their first infections. Photograph by Christian Charisius / dpa / Getty  It's after 9 P.M ., and I'm with the pediatric night team in the children's emergency room at my hospital. We're admitting another toddler with a viral infection. The kid has the flu, or RSV, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, adenovirus, COVID , enterovirus, or some mix of multiple viruses—it hardly matters. She is coming into the hospital so that we can help her breathe. Tonight, as is the case in children's hospitals across the country, we don't have a room available in our ward for the new patient. She will stay in the emergency room overnight, but we pediatricians will take over her care so that the E.R. docs can focus on the other sick kids who continue to arrive. In recent ...

7 Best Health Insurance for Small Business Owners of 2023 - Money

Ads by Money. We may be compensated if you click this ad. Ad Best Overall Best for Customer Service Best Networks Available Best Preventative Care Best Prices UnitedHealthcare Blue Cross Blue Shield Elevance Aetna Kaiser Permanente View Rates View Rates View Rates View Rates View Rates Company Highlight The largest insurance provider in America Partnered with more than 1.7 million doctors and hospitals Telehealth options allow patients to meet with there doctor online Preventative care available with no out-of-pocket expenses The largest managed care network in America Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit (Bronze Plan $7,00 individual/$14,000 family $8,700 individual/$17,400 family $6,450 individual/$12,900 family $8,700 individual/$17,400 family $6,900 individual/$13,800 family) NAIC Customer Complaint Index Score 0.7 (low) 0.7 (low) 0.5 (very low) 1.9 (very high) 0.3 (very low) A.M. Best Rating a (Excellent) a+ (Excellent) bbb+ (Good0 A- (Excellent) A+ (Excellent) Geographic Availability Natio...