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walk in vaccine clinic near me :: Article Creator

Cook County Public Health Offers Free Covid And Flu Vaccinations

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

CCDPH is offering a series of free walk-in COVID and flu vaccination clinics in the north, west and south suburbs, regardless of insurance or immigration status. Clinics will be held on Saturdays from 8 a.M. To 4 p.M. Through February 22, 2024, in partnership with Cook County Health and County Care.  CDC recommends the updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and flu vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older, even if you've been vaccinated before. It is especially important if you are 65 years and older, immunocompromised, pregnant or planning to become pregnant, or unvaccinated. It is safe to receive COVID-19 and flu vaccines at the same visit. For a list of pop-up clinics, visit www.Cookcountypublichealth.Org.


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