MMR Vaccine (Measles-Mumps-Rubella): What You Should Know

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Mumps: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Mumps was a common childhood illness until a vaccination for it was launched in the late Eighties. Now it's relatively rare. But there have been sporadic outbreaks in the UK since. And, while most cases will pass without issues, there are also risks associated with catching mumps, especially if you're older, including life-threatening complications and for men, infertility. Make sure you know what to look for, what to do and the red flags that need immediate attention.

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What are mumps?

A viral infection that's easily spread, mumps starts with standard flu-like symptoms like fever, muscle aches and pains (see below). "But the most pronounced feature of mumps is 'parotitis'; a swelling of the salivary glands on the lower aspect of the cheeks, usually on both sides but sometimes only one,' says Dr Nathalie MacDermott, a clinical lecturer in paediatric infectious diseases as King's College, London. "That gives people a bit of a chipmunk look."

Is mumps contagious for children and adults?

"Although it's not as contagious as measles, mumps is still infectious and passed on through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or laughs', explains Dr MacDermott. But it can also be transmitted through close-contact sports, sharing utensils, kissing and being in enclosed spaces with infected people.

"You're likely to be contagious about seven days before symptoms show," Dr MacDermott says. "But you can remain infectious for about nine days after your symptoms have subsided."

About one in five people will show no symptoms but still be infectious.

What are the early warning signs of mumps?

The incubation stage for mumps can last 12-25 days and have no symptoms, explains Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia. "After that you'll probably get the common signs of infection." See below for details.

What are the stages of mumps?

Mumps typically passes through several stages:

Incubation period: This has no symptoms and can last 12-25 days but typically is around 16-18. You'll be infectious for the last week of this.

Prodrome: These are the early signs which usually appear typically 3-5 days before the characteristic swelling of salivary glands or other areas develops. Symptoms can include:

  • Mild sniffles

  • Tiredness

  • Aches and pains

  • Loss of appetite

  • Dry mouth

  • Headache

  • Fever

  • Mild abdominal pain

  • Acute phase: This causes telltale swelling in the salivary glands which will occur in 30-40 per cent of people, usually lasting 7-10 days. Other areas that can show signs of infection and swelling include the testes, ovaries, pancreas, eyes, nervous system, joints and kidneys. This is the time when complications can occur, so it's important to manage the symptoms.

    Recovery: Symptoms gradually improve, though adults may feel a little more run down for a few weeks after, says Dr Gary Bartlett, a locum GP in North West England.

    What causes it?

    The mumps virus  belongs to a family called paramyxoviruses that are a common source of infections in children – another in this family is measles. It starts in your nose, mouth and throat and then moves to glands at either side of your face causing them to swell. It can also enter the fluid that surrounds your brain and spine and that's how it can spread to other parts of the body (see below).

    How serious is mumps?

    Most mumps infections will pass within 1-2 weeks and won't be serious. But in rare cases serious complications can occur. These include:

    Encephalitis: "A risk in children with mumps is that they will go on to develop encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain," says Prof Hunter. This is potentially fatal, affects about one in 1,000 cases of mumps in children and requires hospitalisation immediately.

    Viral meningitis: Another risk is the chance of developing viral meningitis, where the virus moves into the outer areas of the brain. It occurs in one in four cases of mumps and comes with symptoms like sensitivity to light, neck stiffness and headache. But unlike bacterial meningitis, it's not usually considered life-threatening, though still important to report symptoms.

    Inflamed testes: Viral infections like mumps are more severe when you're older. "About half of males who contract mumps post-puberty will get inflammation of the testes, called 'orchitis' which can be incredibly painful," says Prof Hunter. About half will get some shrinking of the testes, one in 10 will experience a drop in their sperm counts and in rare cases, infertility."

    Inflamed ovaries: "Mumps can also cause inflamed ovaries which leads to severe abdominal pain in women," says Prof Hunter. This affects about one in 15 women who get mumps post-puberty, but the symptoms usually pass with the infection.

    Temporary deafness: "The infection can affect your ears so you can get temporary deafness following mumps," says Prof Hunter. This occurs in about one in 25 cases and will only be permanent in about one in 20,000 cases.

    Miscarriage: In the past it was thought mumps could cause miscarriage if it was contracted in the first trimester. There isn't much evidence to support this, but the NHS advises pregnant women to avoid close contact with people who have an active mumps infection and contact their GP if they're been in contact with someone with the virus.

    When to see a doctor

    Though there is no treatment for mumps other than managing symptoms. Dr Bartlett encourages people to report to their doctors anyway. "Mumps is a notifiable disease and any cases of suspected mumps have to be reported to public health as they may need to initiate specific follow up as well as manage any outbreaks," he says. "Plus, your doctor can rule out other more serious conditions like glandular fever and tonsillitis."

    Dr MacDermott says to "let the surgery know before you go in so they can sit you in a separate room".

    Red flag symptoms that need urgent care

    Be aware of the red flags to report immediately as something more serious could be going on. These include:

  • Swelling on one side of the face only

  • Getting very drowsy

  • Severe abdominal pain or tenderness

  • Pain and swelling of the testicles

  • Vomiting

  • Sensitivity to light

  • Neck stiffness

  • Confusion

  • Trouble eating or drinking

  • A fever of 39C (103F) or higher

  • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes

  • Who's at risk of mumps and can it be prevented?

    "The biggest risk will be to those who haven't been vaccinated," says Dr MacDermott. "Living in crowded environments or being in close contact with infected people can also increase your risk." The only way to prevent mumps is to get vaccinated, Prof Hunter adds.

    The MMR vaccine

    The MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) course is given first as a single dose given to 12 month old babies and then as a second dose to children just before starting school.

    In the last five years, there has been a continued decline in uptake for the MMR vaccination. In 2022-23 for example, 89.3 per cent of children had received their first dose of the vaccine and 92.5 per cent of children received their second jab.

    Current numbers are well below The World Health Organisation's target of 95 per cent for herd immunity, says Prof Hunt.

    For young adults who missed their MMRs as children, NHS England launched a catch-up campaign in March this year. "All you have to do is turn up to your GP surgery and ask for an MMR vaccine, it's that easy," says Dr Bartlett.

    Treatment for mumps

    "Mumps can be very painful because of the inflammation it causes, whether it's in the salivary glands, the testes, ovaries [causing back pain] or elsewhere in the body,' says Prof Hunter. 'But there's no treatment except for the symptoms.'

    You can relieve symptoms with ibuprofen or paracetamol, rest, drinking plenty of fluids and applying hot and cold compresses to the swollen glands as well as eating soft foods like soups, scrambled eggs and mashed potatoes.

    Can you get mumps twice?

    Once you get mumps, you will have built up immunity, so it's unlikely you will get it again. "But reinfections can occur, though they're probably very rarely that severe and may not even show symptoms," says Prof Hunter.

    'My face had ballooned and with the lower part of my face swollen and raw, my glands felt like they were about to burst'

    Emily Cleary, 45, is a journalist who lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and two children, aged nine and 11. She contracted mumps five years ago after a family holiday

    "When I was growing up the MMR vaccine wasn't available so I assumed I'd had the mumps as a child, like the other kids at my school. But when I hit 40, it hit me like a tonne of bricks – I hadn't.

    "After a family holiday I got a terrible headache and neck pain. One morning a few days later, I woke up and barely recognised myself in the mirror. My face had ballooned and with the lower part of my face swollen and raw, my glands felt like they were about to burst.

    "The doctor confirmed I had mumps and told me to isolate myself, take pain relief and drink lots of fluids until it passes.

    "In the coming months, I experienced debilitating post-viral fatigue and would catch every bug going. Once I accidentally burned my hands with hot water and all my glands swelled up. Even going up stairs was a challenge. I now know the older you are, the worse mumps can be as your immune system loses its strength over time. It took a good seven months to get back to the level of health I had before I had the mumps.

    "Having mumps isn't always just a few days off work. It's debilitating and can come with potential complications. Plus, you could be spreading it without knowing [during the asymptomatic phase]. My message for everyone is this: get vaccinated."

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    Solved! 6 Early Signs Of Bed Bugs To Never Ignore

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    What You Need to Know 
  • Some of the earliest signs of a bed bug infestation are bites, brown or reddish stains on sheets, shed skins, a musty odor, tiny eggs, and sightings of bed bugs themselves. 
  • While bed bugs are not usually dangerous, their bites have the potential to lead to allergic reactions or skin infections. 
  • DIY bed bug removal methods can be limited, so it's important to get in touch with a pest control professional as soon as signs of an infestation are discovered.
  • Some ways to prevent a bed bug infestation are washing clothing after returning from a vacation, inspecting secondhand items before bringing them home, installing door sweeps, sealing gaps in windows and walls, and vacuuming and decluttering regularly.
  • Q: After coming back from a recent vacation, I've noticed some bites on my arms and legs. I'm worried that I could have picked up bed bugs from my hotel! I've only been back for a week, so I don't think I have a full-on infestation yet, but what are some of the early signs of bed bugs?  

    A: Your instinct to be concerned about bed bugs is a good one. While bed bugs have a reputation for inhabiting cheap hotels and dirty homes, the reality is that what attracts bed bugs are human or animal hosts, not dirt. Bed bugs are nocturnal and prefer to stay out of sight, so if there aren't many of them, they may be hard to spot. It's also important to keep in mind that in addition to finding bed bugs in mattresses, it's not uncommon to find signs of bed bugs on walls and in furniture.  However, there are plenty of early signs of bed bugs to find upon close inspection.

    On the positive side, bed bug bites can take several days to show up, so it's possible that you were bitten without bringing the pests home. Still, it's a good idea to check for evidence of bed bugs right away, and call one of the best bed bug exterminators, like Orkin or Terminix, if necessary. 

    how to get rid of bed bugs in a mattressPhoto: istock.Com Bites are one of the earliest signs of bed bugs.

    If someone is asking, "What are the signs of bed bugs?" it's often because they have noticed bug bites with no obvious source. It's not uncommon to confuse the characteristics of bed bug bites vs. No-see-um bites, mosquito bites, or spider bites as these all have many similarities. They typically appear as small bumps that itch and swell when scratched. However, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), one of the most distinct early signs of bed bug bites is that they often appear in groupings of three to five bites that create a zigzag formation.

    When it comes to early signs of bed bugs on skin, the bites are unique in that they don't typically become noticeable until several days after the initial bite. Some people have no reaction to bed bugs and may never know that they have been bitten at all. Bed bugs' saliva contains both anesthetics and anticoagulants that allow the puncture to bleed more freely and keep it from itching. This is one reason it's common to find blood spots from bed bugs—their bites tend to bleed more than other types of insect bites.

    Some may notice waking up in the middle of the night and feeling like something is crawling on them. If that's the case, it's best to monitor the skin for a few days to see if a bug bite appears.

    Dark spots and rust-colored stains on sheets can also suggest the presence of bed bugs.

    Bed bug stains on sheets are a common early sign to look for. When bed bugs finish feeding, their bodies become swollen with blood. If the bugs are accidentally crushed, blood will leach out, leaving brown or reddish stains. Look for this sign of bed bugs on pillows, sheets, mattresses, furniture, or clothing. Stains will be much more visible on light-colored materials than darker ones. 

    Some additional signs of bed bugs on sheets are bed bug droppings. Since bed bugs feast on blood, their droppings also have a dark rust color that will stand out on light-colored bedding or upholstery. These spots may be no larger than a mark from the point of a felt-tipped pen. Since bed bugs leave droppings wherever they go, these spots may be more prevalent than the larger rust-colored stains from crushed bugs. Look for this early-stage sign of bed bugs on walls, floors, and furniture as well as mattresses. 

    Seeing molted skins or bed bug shells is a sure sign of an infestation.

    The presence of skins or shells is one of the most unmistakable bed bug signs and indicates that the infestation has begun to escalate. These casings look very similar to the bed bugs themselves but are yellowish in color and slightly translucent. Bed bugs shed their exoskeletons several times during their life cycle, so molted skins may appear in a variety of sizes. 

    Bed bug exoskeletons are not as likely to be found in the open as bloodstains or droppings, so those who suspect they have bed bugs will want to check the areas where these insects congregate for shed skins. These most commonly include the seams of mattresses and upholstered furniture, the cracks and corners of the bed frame, or other small crevices.  

    Think you've got bed bugs? A pest control company can confirm the problem—and get rid of it. Get free, no-commitment project estimates from services near you. + Another possible sign of bed bug infestation is a musty smell.

    It may come as a surprise, but bed bugs have quite a distinct smell; most describe it as musty, sweet, and even berry-like. This smell results from a combination of pheromones, blood, droppings, and dead bed bugs. In the early stages of a bed bug infestation, it's uncommon to detect this odor, as it's usually only possible to smell it when the infestation is quite large. It's also worth checking whether a musty odor in the home has another source, such as a pile of dirty laundry. But if this smell is present along with other early signs of bed bugs, it can be a way to tell if you have bed bugs in the home.

    how to get rid of bed bugs in a mattressPhoto: istock.Com The presence of bed bug eggs is an early sign of bed bugs—but they are hard to spot.

    Another one of the early signs of bed bugs are eggs. Bed bugs won't lay eggs without a reliable food source present, so finding eggs is an indication that the bed bug population is feeding regularly. It's possible to see bed bug eggs with the naked eye, but they might be difficult to identify for those who don't know what they're looking for. Bed bug eggs are the size of a pinhead and whitish in color, and they resemble tiny grains of rice.

    First, check the mattress for bed bug eggs, making sure to inspect any seams and crevices, especially around the mattress tag. They can also appear in other crevices like gaps in baseboards, the corners of drawers, and under loose bits of wallpaper. Bed bugs secrete a sticky substance along with the egg, meaning the eggs may be slightly stuck to the wall or side of a mattress. If a close inspection turns up bed bug eggs, it's time to call in a professional.

    Live bed bug sightings are a clear sign of an infestation.

    One of the most apparent early signs of a bed bug infestation is spotting live bugs. A female bed bug can lay 1 to 7 eggs per day for about 10 days after a single meal, and most eggs hatch within 6 to 9 days. To put it briefly, bed bug populations can grow rapidly, so seeing even one live bug means there's likely more that you can't see. While it's easy to mistake these insects for other bugs that look like bed bugs, there are some reliable tips for identifying them.

    Adult bed bugs usually take on the following characteristics:

  • They measure 5 to 7 millimeters long (about the size of an apple seed).
  • If they have not recently fed, they are flat, brown, and oval-shaped.
  • They are reddish-brown and swollen if they have recently fed.
  • They are sometimes odorous, creating a musty-sweet odor.
  • Young bed bugs are typically smaller and more translucent or whitish in color. 
  • One reason that bed bug infestations go unnoticed for a significant period is because the bugs prefer to stay hidden the majority of the time. Bed bugs are mostly nocturnal, so it's not common for them to be seen during the day. Even in the evening, these bugs won't wander around unless they are traveling to or from a feeding. For this reason, the most effective way to get a glimpse of them is to identify their nesting site. 

    A bed bug infestation carries some risk of skin infection or allergic reactions. 

    Although many people experience only uncomfortable itching as a result of bed bug bites, others can have a stronger reaction. According to the Mayo Clinic, while one person may experience no reaction at all, another might suffer from excessive itching or blisters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also warns that the area has the potential to become infected if the skin is broken from too much scratching. Those who are allergic to bed bug bites can experience hives, swelling, fever, or even difficulty breathing and anaphylaxis. Those with a large number of bites or who experience symptoms of an allergic reaction will want to see a medical professional to get relief and avoid further complications.

    Early Signs Of Bed BugsPhoto: istock.Co Photo: istock.Com Find trusted local pros for any home project + A thorough bed bug inspection can help you identify an infestation before it gets too widespread. 

    A mattress is a classic hot spot for bed bug activity because it allows the insects easy access to their primary food sources. It is also especially difficult to get rid of bed bugs in a mattress as they can burrow deep inside and lay eggs (in this case it may be worth it to pay for mattress removal costs and start over with a new one). Bed bugs emerge at night to feast and choose harborages (hiding spots) that it's not likely to find on accident. Here's how to check for bed bugs:

    Early signs of bed bugs on a mattress include:

  • Reddish or brownish-red stains
  • Bed bug excrement, which looks like a dark spot smaller than the size of a pinhead
  • Pale yellow skins or shells about 1 millimeter in length
  • Live bed bugs
  • A mattress is far from the only place bed bugs can take up residence. While they tend to stick to the same hiding spot, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bed bugs are typically willing to travel up to 20 feet to reach their hosts at mealtime. An inspection is not complete without looking for signs of bed bugs on furniture and other common hiding spots, such as: 

  • Seams of upholstered furniture
  • Folds of curtains
  • Joints of drawers
  • Under wallpaper or wall hangings
  • Where the wall and ceiling or wall and baseboard meet
  • Electrical outlets
  • Bed bugs are sometimes mistaken for fleas or beetles, but they can be distinguished by their relatively flat bodies and lack of wings. Whether you find early-stage signs of bed bugs on your couch, walls, mattress, or elsewhere, it's time to start making a plan for how to get rid of bed bugs.

    Bed Bug Treatment Cost Types of TreatmentPhoto: istockphoto.Com Although it's tempting to DIY bed bug removal, these pests are best treated by a professional exterminator. 

    After spotting the first signs of bed bugs, it can be tempting to try to remedy the problem independently to save on pest control costs. It's not impossible to get rid of bed bugs yourself—it's possible to mitigate the problem with one of the best bed bug traps or chemical sprays. Bleach kills bed bugs on items that can be safely treated with bleach, such as sheets. Some may also find moderate success using diatomaceous earth to kill bed bugs, although this method can take several weeks to be effective. But for the quickest and most thorough solutions, a pest control professional will need to be called.

    Bed bugs are not likely to go away on their own, and they will continue to reproduce as long as they have access to a food source. Bed bug exterminators have foolproof methods to eliminate the pests for good. Starting costs for bed bug treatment are only about $300. Many find that exterminator costs are well worth it compared with the time and stress of trying various DIY methods until one eventually works. Many of the best pest control companies also guarantee their services, meaning that if the bed bugs return, exterminators will apply the treatment again at no additional cost.

    Implementing some preventive measures can help residents avoid future bed bug infestations.

    Bed bugs are a nuisance that most people dread. While there are many ways to get bed bugs, they often enter homes by hiding in the folds and seams of clothing. Fortunately, bed bug infestations are largely preventable (which is one of the reasons that renters insurance may not cover bed bugs). Some of the most effective ways to prevent bed bug infestations include:

  • Wash clothing immediately after returning from a vacation
  • Inspect rented or secondhand furniture before bringing it into the home
  • Install door sweeps
  • Seal gaps in walls and windows with caulk
  • Vacuum regularly
  • Reduce clutter within the home
  • It can take days or even weeks to start seeing signs of a bed bug infestation. Regularly looking for signs of bed bugs in carpet, walls, upholstered furniture, and mattresses can provide peace of mind and help you protect your home from bed bugs. 

    Sources: Environmental Protection Agency, Nature's Mace, Centers for Disease Control, American Academy of Dermatology Association, Virginia.Gov

    6 Sneaky And Early Signs Of Liver Disease

    The liver is a quiet workhorse, tirelessly processing everything from nutrients to toxins. But when things go in the wrong direction, it often whispers before it shouts. Detecting liver disease early can make a huge difference in outcomes, but its signs can be subtle and easy to overlook. Here are 6 sneaky signs that the liver might be in trouble.

    Tiredness and weakness Feeling tired after a long day is normal, but persistent fatigue and weakness could be an early sign of liver disease.According to the American Liver Foundation, chronic liver conditions can lead to an overall feeling of being unwell and weak, which is often caused by a buildup of toxins in the bloodstream that the liver can no longer filter effectively. A study published in the Journal of Hepatology found that fatigue was the most common symptom reported by patients with chronic liver disease, highlighting the importance of not dismissing unexplained tiredness.

    Weight loss liver (3)

    Image: Canva

    Losing weight without trying might seem like a dream come true, but it can be a red flag for liver problems. The liver plays a critical role in metabolism and energy storage. If it's not working properly, your body might struggle to digest food and absorb nutrients, leading to unintended weight loss.

    Spider Angiomas One of the more curious signs of liver trouble is the appearance of spider angiomas- small, spider-like blood vessels that often appear on the skin. These tiny, web-shaped blood vessels are usually red and visible near the surface of the skin, often appearing on the face, neck, and legs. They are caused by high levels of estrogen due to the liver's inability to metabolize hormones properly.

    Tenderness or pain in the liver area Experiencing discomfort or tenderness in the upper right side of your abdomen could be a subtle sign of liver disease. This area is where your liver resides, and any pain or tenderness here might indicate inflammation or an enlarged liver, which could be due to conditions such as fatty liver disease, hepatitis, or cirrhosis.

    Loss of appetite A sudden or unexplained loss of appetite can be a warning sign of liver disease. The liver plays a critical role in digestion and metabolism, and when it's not functioning properly, it can lead to feelings of fullness and a decreased desire to eat. This can eventually lead to unintended weight loss and malnutrition.

    Itchy skin While itchy skin can have many causes, persistent itching without a rash can sometimes be a sign of liver disease. This itching, known as pruritus, is thought to be caused by a buildup of bile salts under the skin when the liver is unable to process and excrete them properly.

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