
Showing posts from June, 2024

Measles Vaccine Rash: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

cdc herd immunity :: Article Creator How Do Vaccines Offer Protection Against COVID-19? How do vaccines offer protection against COVID-19? A population is said to reach herd immunity against a disease like COVID when enough of the population becomes immune to it, making continued spread unlikely. We can reach herd immunity by letting COVID naturally progress, but that would mean too many people getting severely ill or even dying. A better way to reach herd immunity is with a vaccine. Vaccines train the immune system to create the same disease-fighting antibody proteins your body produces when you're infected with COVID, except you don't get sick. Scientists think that once around 70% to 80% of us are vaccinated, we'll reach herd immunity. Then everyone will be safer, and eventually, life can go back to normal. ","publisher":"WebMD Video"} ]]> Hide Video Transcript [MUSIC PLAYING] JOHN W

MMR Vaccine (Measles-Mumps-Rubella): What You Should Know

cdc acip :: Article Creator CDC Advisory Panel Opts For A Go-slow Approach On Expanding Usage Of RSV Vaccines Makers of RSV vaccines for older adults saw their plans to try to expand usage hit a significant hurdle on Wednesday, when an expert committee that advises the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on vaccines recommended changes that will likely see fewer older adults qualify for insurance coverage for these products. In a related move, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices opted not to make a recommendation yet on use of GSK's Arexvy vaccine in adults 50 to 59, saying the committee didn't have enough data with which to make such a recommendation. Earlier this month the Food and Drug Administration approved use of the GSK vaccine to include adults in their 50s at high risk of developing severe disease if they contract respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. When it was initially approved in May 2023, its use was restric

Why vaccination is important and the safest way to protect yourself

influenza vaccine :: Article Creator Combined COVID-flu Vaccines Are Coming: Moderna Jab Clears Major Test Pharmaceutical laboratories are researching new applications for mRNA vaccine technology — and Moderna is hoping to integrate COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus immunization into a single jab.Credit: Adam Glanzman/Bloomberg via Getty A single vaccine has been shown to protect people from both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses — and with a higher effectiveness than vaccines that target one or the other, the pharmaceutical company Moderna has announced. Moderna, which is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, said earlier this month that it had successfully completed phase-III clinical trials for the drug, which — like the company's pioneering COVID-19 vaccines — is based on mRNA. In a statement to its investors, Moderna said that the vaccine was more effective at providing immunity to adults over the age of 50 than competing fl

Protecting your child against measles, mumps and rubella

do mosquitoes cause malaria :: Article Creator SE Michigan Mosquitoes Test Positive For West Nile Virus: What To Know Mosquitoes in St. Clair County have tested positive the West Nile virus, prompting local authorities to warn the community to take certain precautions. The St. Clair County Health Department announced Friday, June 28, that routine testing of mosquitoes uncovered "evidence of the West Nile virus," which can be transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. The announcement comes a few weeks after the state's first mosquito-borne virus of 2024 -- Jamestown Canyon virus -- was confirmed in Saginaw County. Health officials warn that about one in five people infected with West Nile virus will "develop symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, and fatigue. In rare cases, WNV can lead to severe neurological complications and death, especially among older adults and individuals with weakened immune systems,&qu

COVID-19 Boosters: Should You Get One?

erythrocytic cycle of plasmodium :: Article Creator Plasmodium Falciparum Heat Shock Proteins As Antimalarial Drug Targets: An Update Our systems have detected unusual traffic activity from your network. Please complete this reCAPTCHA to demonstrate that it's you making the requests and not a robot. If you are having trouble seeing or completing this challenge, this page may help. If you continue to experience issues, you can contact JSTOR support. Block Reference: #e84aefec-3647-11ef-b1ee-e52da12231ccVID: #IP: and time: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 18:46:34 GMT Javascript is disabled Go back to JSTOR ©2000- ITHAKA. All Rights Reserved. JSTOR®, the JSTOR logo, JPASS®, and ITHAKA® are registered trademarks of ITHAKA. Genetic Linkage And Association Analyses For Trait Mapping In Plasmodium Falciparum Levine, N. D. Progress in taxonomy of the Apicomplexan protozoa. J. Protozool. 35, 518–520 (1988). Article  CAS  PubMed  Goog