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What Is Botulism? Here's How It Is Connected To Your Favourite Mayonnaise

A few weeks ago, a 'botulism' outbreak in Saudi Arabia, following which a person died and 75 got hospitalised, was doing rounds on social media. The country's health ministry said that a lab test identified clostridium botulinum in the Bon Tum mayonnaise brand used by the Hamburgini food chain in Riyadh. Mayonnaise is a major part of the regular diet of a common expatriate in Saudi Arabia. It is served with broasted chicken, nuggets, kebab, al faham, burgers, and sandwiches, fried or roasted meat. However, not many realize that mayonnaise may be tasty but it could be dangerous too. Using expired or stale mayonnaise could lead to severe health problems like botulism. 

What is botulism?A serious illness caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum found in soil, water, and improperly processed or preserved foods, botulism affects the nervous system. The rare disease can occur when the bacterium grows in improperly stored, processed or canned food. The bacterium that does not require oxygen for growth, is often seen the most in tinned food or vacuum-packed food items.

Mayonnaise, particularly when homemade, contains raw eggs. This can aid the growth of harmful bacteria if not handled and stored properly. Generally, commercially produced mayonnaise undergoes quality control measures to prevent contamination. But, if the eggs used in it are not pasteurized, processing and packing equipment are not sanitised and if the mayonnaise is not stored at conducive temperatures, the bacterium can grow and produce toxins in commercial mayonnaise too. 

Symptoms of botulismIts symptoms are muscle weakness, paralysis, and potentially life-threatening respiratory failure and early diagnosis is extremely crucial for its treatment. The condition produces a toxin that weakens the nervous system of the body. Facial weakness, trouble swallowing or speaking, blurred or double vision and shortness of breath are some of the symptoms of botulism. It is treated with antitoxin and supportive care.

Seek medical treatment immediatelyThe symptoms of Clostridium botulinum bacterium are distinctive and are easily detectable. IV fluids or painkillers too may be used if required to treat the condition. In critical situations, the bacterium may affect the respiratory system causing severe shortness of breath. In such cases, the patient has to be transferred to the ICU and put on mechanical ventilation. Medical experts say that, with proper treatment, the chances of death of a botulism patient would be less than seven per cent. It is better to consume cooked food while it is still hot. When cooked, the bacteria and toxins would perish in the high heat. Besides, food should be cooked and handled properly as clostridium botulinum bacterium is a rare but serious condition. One should be aware about the food safety guidelines and take proper precautions while eating tinned or canned food items. 

15 Food Recalls That Will Always Haunt Aldi

All major food retailers, including Aldi, have to recall food from time to time, in order to protect the public. Often, these foods pose a risk because they're contaminated with bacteria or parasites, contain dangerous foreign objects such as metal, or have been incorrectly labeled. As a huge, international, and increasingly dominant (especially in the U.S. Market) retailer, Aldi has experienced many recalls. Some, however, have been more damaging than others, due to their scope or potential impact on the public. These recalls tend to be associated with the brand for years. We're here to take a look at the 15 worst.

Of course, many of the recalls mentioned in this article are not Aldi's fault. More often than not, they were supplier mistakes, manufacturing mishaps, or just pure bad luck. Yet, as the retailer, it is often Aldi that is held accountable. Thankfully, Aldi is known to act swiftly when a product is suspected of being unsafe. The brand has rapid response plans that ensure all products are pulled from shelves quickly and effectively. What's more, a product recall webpage ensures all customers can keep up to date with any recalls. As we will see, these precautions help prevent hundreds of people from falling ill.

Read more: The Most Beloved Products At Aldi, According To Shoppers

Cantaloupe Recalled Because Of Salmonella Risk

Slices of cantaloupe - Josef Mohyla/Getty Images

Anyone who has worked in a professional kitchen knows that raw fruit and vegetables are high risk foods. This is because they can harbor germs and bacteria such as Salmonella, E. Coli, and Listeria. These risks are also present in the retail setting, as retailers like Aldi are only too aware of.

In November 2023, Aldi recalled three different raw fruit products: cantaloupe, cantaloupe chunks, and pineapple spears. Each of these foods was linked with an outbreak of Salmonella that infected over 100 people across 32 states. A total of 45 people were hospitalized due to the infection.

Not all of the infections were associated with fruit sold by Aldi. In fact, only cases in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, and Wisconsin were found to be linked with Aldi's products. Several other retailers also sold cantaloupe carrying Salmonella that made people sick, suggesting large quantities of the fruit were contaminated at some point during the growing or processing phases, well before they were distributed to retailers across the country.

Cream Cheese Recalled Over Salmonella Concerns

Cream cheese on a spoon - Basilios1/Getty Images

In May 2024, Schreiber Foods announced that several products containing its cream cheese were being recalled due to fears they contained Salmonella. As a retailer that uses cream cheese from Schreiber Foods, Aldi also issued a recall. This recall focused on four Happy Farms cream cheese spread products: Whipped Cream Cheese Spread, Chive & Onion Cream Cheese Spread, Cream Cheese Spread, and Strawberry Cream Cheese Spread. Other grocery store brands, including Hy-Vee, issued recalls of their own.

Despite these recalls, covering stores in over 25 states, there have yet to be any reports of illness associated with Schreiber Foods' cream cheese. That being said, Aldi and Schreiber Foods aren't out the woods just yet; the majority of recalled products have sell-by-dates that stretch into September 2024, meaning there remains plenty of time for members of the public to fall foul of this contaminated product.

Chocolate Recalled Due To Undeclared Allergen

Aldi caramel chocolate bar opened - Jennifer Adair / Facebook

All food products sold in stores must have adequate and complete labeling. Among the most important aspects of a product's label is its allergen information. This list of ingredients allows those with allergies to ascertain whether a food is safe for them to consume or not. Incorrect allergen information obviously poses a huge risk, as consumers might unknowingly consume something that could trigger a reaction and, in the worst cases, anaphylaxis.

In December 2023, it was announced that Astor Chocolate Corporation was recalling 1,092 chocolate bars as the label failed to list coconut as a potential allergen. All of these chocolate bars were sold in Aldi stores across Florida. The potential consequences of this mislabeling were massive; customers could have become seriously or even fatally ill. Fortunately, no illnesses or hospitalizations were recorded as a result of the mislabeling and the recall was performed successfully.

Stone Fruit Recalled Due To Listeria

Plums spilling out of basket - KT studio/Shutterstock

Listeria is a bacteria that causes an infection known as listeriosis. While rarely serious, listeriosis can make pregnant people, newborn children, fetuses, and those with weakened immune systems seriously ill. HMC Farms, a fruit producer based in California, caused a Listeria outbreak that lasted from August 2018 to August 2023 by selling contaminated peaches, plums, and nectarines to a variety of retail brands. Aldi was one of them. In November 2023, Aldi announced a recall on peaches, plums, and nectarines sold during the summer of 2021 and 2022. These recalls were issued across 29 states. Over the entire outbreak, it is thought that 10 people were hospitalized, one person died, and one person was forced into pre-term labor due to illness caused by the fruit. It is not known which, if any, of these people bought the contaminated fruit from Aldi.

It may seem strange to issue a recall for fruit so long after it was sold. However, retailers including Aldi did so just in case customers had frozen the fruit; freezing does not kill Listeria. Another reason why the recall was issued so late was because the Food and Drug Administration first tested the suspect fruit November 2023.

Frozen Strawberries Recalled Over Hepatitis A

Frozen strawberries - Vitalkaka/Getty Images

Hepatitis A is an illness caused by the Hepatitis A virus. It causes inflammation of the liver and is primarily spread when the feces of a person with Hepatitis A is ingested by someone who has never contracted the virus. As such, it is often linked with poor sanitation. While most people recover quickly, Hepatitis A can cause acute liver failure. As a result, the virus is taken very seriously.

In 2023, the Scenic Fruit Company voluntarily recalled its frozen strawberries as they were found to be contaminated with the Hepatitis A virus. Retailers who carried the contaminated strawberries, including Aldi and Costco, quickly followed suit. Aldi recalled Simply Nature Organic Strawberries from stores across 12 states.

It was reported that five people contracted Hepatitis A as a result of eating Scenic Fruit Company's frozen strawberries, although it is not known from which grocery store these products were bought. Two of these people required hospitalization. There are concerns that some customers may still have the product, as some of the frozen strawberries have a best-by date that stretches into November 2024, which may cause the number of hospitalizations associated with the product to rise.

Pet Advent Calendar Recalled Over Choking Hazard

Pure Being cat advent calendar - WindyCityKitchen / YouTube

It's not just humans that food products pose a risk to, but animals too. This was highlighted in December 2021 when Aldi was forced to recall two advent calendars that had been designed for dogs and cats by Pet Brands Products, a company based in Ohio. Customers complained that the treats included in the advent calendar were small and extremely hard and thus posed a choking risk to the animals they were fed to.

One pet owner wrote on Reddit, "I noticed that the treats were way harder than last year. My dog can swallow them whole without a real problem but he's a large lab so he's pretty big. I can see it being an issue with smaller pets." Several others noted that the treats had made their animals choke or vomit. Fortunately, there were no reports of animals becoming fatally ill after ingesting the treats.

Metal Contaminants Led To Chicken Recall

Aldi's chicken strips Tupperware lid - officemicrowave / YouTube

Tyson Foods is one of the largest food companies in the United States, and its products are sold by many of the nation's leading retailers. This is why it was such a huge deal when, in 2019, Tyson Foods announced that metal had been found in some of its chicken strips. A mass effort subsequently took place to recall 11.8 million pounds of chicken.

Aldi is one of many grocery store brands that sells Tyson Foods products. As a result, it was forced to recall both its Kirkwood Buffalo Crispy Chicken Strips and Kirkwood Honey BBQ Crispy Chicken Strips. The former was recalled from stores across 29 states, the latter from stores across 32 states.

Happily, only six people reported finding metal in Tyson Foods' chicken strips; a minor miracle, given that so many grocery store brands were stocking the tainted product. Of these people, three sustained injuries to their mouths.

Various Beef Products Were Recalled Over A Horsemeat Scandal

Raw burger patties in tray - DenisMArt/Shutterstock

The most damaging of all food recalls suffered by Aldi was undoubtedly the so-called horse meat scandal that rocked Europe in 2013. It was discovered that beef products sold by a range of grocery store brands across Europe contained horse in place of beef.

In Aldi's case, horse meat of varying levels was found in two products: a frozen lasagna and a spaghetti Bolognese. Some of these products were found to contain 100% horse meat. All were removed from the shelves. While having no ill effects on health, this scandal led many people's trust of large grocery stores and certain foods they sell to drop.

At the time of the scandal, a spokesman for Aldi told The Guardian, "This is completely unacceptable and like other affected companies, we feel angry and let down by our supplier. If the label says beef, our customers expect it to be beef. Suppliers are absolutely clear that they are required to meet our stringent specifications and that we do not tolerate any failure to do so."

Frozen Falafel Recalled Over E. Coli Concerns

box of Earth Grown falafel - GlennsFastReviews / YouTube

In October 2022, Aldi recalled two frozen falafel products produced by Cuisine Innovations Unlimited. The products, which were sold under Aldi's Earth Grown brand, had been contaminated with E. Coli bacteria. These falafel posed a serious health risk and were responsible for 24 people falling ill. Five individuals required hospitalization. No deaths were reported, although one individual did develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, an illness which can lead to mass blood clotting.

Freezing does not kill E. Coli, hence why the bacteria is prevalent in globalized food chains where many products are shipped frozen. However, temperatures of 160 degrees Fahrenheit do kill the bacteria. It can therefore be hypothesized that many members of the public bought and ingested the E. Coli-tainted Earth Grown falafel but avoided becoming ill because they cooked the dish to the requisite temperature. Of course, the fault still lies with Cuisine Innovations Unlimited for producing and selling an unsafe food.

Salad Dressing Recalled Due To Manufacturing Error

Poppy seed salad dressing - Elena Veselova/Shutterstock

Most store-bought salad dressings and vinaigrettes are manufactured in a way that maximizes shelf life and inhibits the growth of bacteria. One way this is achieved is by ensuring the product has an acidic or alkaline pH, as many potentially harmful bacteria do not grow well in these conditions.

In 2021, Aldi and Drew's Organics raised a joint recall of Aldi's Simply Nature Organic Poppy Seed Dressing after it was discovered that the dressing was a different color than usual. Further investigation revealed that a manufacturing error had led to the dressing attaining the wrong pH. Both companies were concerned that this pH would allow potentially harmful bacteria to grow in the product, including Clostridium botulinum, the bacteria responsible for botulism.

The affected bottles of Simply Nature Organic Poppy Seed Dressing were sold in Aldi stores across 30 states. Thankfully, no illnesses were reported as a result of the incorrectly manufactured salad dressing and the recall was successfully executed.

Flour Recalled Due To E. Coli Concerns

Plain flour on table - Alvarez/Getty Images

In 2019, Aldi recalled 5 pound bags of Bakers Corner All Purpose Flour over concerns that it was contaminated with E. Coli bacteria. The recall was in effect across 11 states. This outbreak was traced back to Aldi's supplier ADM Milling Co. As a result, several customers of ADM Milling Co. Including King Arthur Flour and Pillsbury Best Bread Flour, also recalled their products.

Across the entire outbreak, 17 people were recorded as falling ill and three were hospitalized. Given that E. Coli bacteria are killed at 160 degrees Fahrenheit, the prevalence of these illnesses might seem confusing. However, an investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that several of those afflicted with E. Coli had tasted raw batter or dough when they were baking. Those who only ate the batter after it was sufficiently baked would not have suffered from an E. Coli infection. It's for this reason that scientists often tell the public to avoid eating uncooked flour.

Bagged Salad Recalled After It Was Found To Contain Parasites

Half a lettuce head - Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Few things make people cringe as much as the idea of contracting a parasite. Unfortunately for some 700 Americans this was a reality they had to face after eating contaminated salad produced by Fresh Express. As a major supplier, Fresh Express' contaminated foods -- including iceberg lettuce, red cabbage, and carrots -- ended up in bagged salad products sold by a host of major retailers, including Aldi, Hy-Vee, and Walmart.

These products contained Cyclospora cayetanensis, a parasite that causes an intestinal illness known as cyclosporiasis. Symptoms of this illness include fatigue, nausea, and diarrhea. Over 700 cases of cyclosporiasis were recorded as a result of this outbreak. 38 people had to be hospitalized.

In response to the outbreak, Aldi recalled Little Salad Bar Garden Salad and removed the product from its shelves. Thankfully, as a perishable product, there was little risk of customers consuming the contaminated product in the weeks following the initial outbreak.

Ground Chuck Beef Recalled Over E. Coli

Pile of raw ground beef - Mehmet Hilmi Barcin/Getty Images

Cargill is a huge food business that supplies a vast range of grocery store brands. This means that when the company's food becomes contaminated at source, it has a huge impact on the United States' food industry. This was the case in 2018 when Cargill was forced to recall over 132,000 pounds of ground beef due to concerns it was contaminated with E. Coli. Major retailers including Sam's Club and Target immediately pulled ground beef products from the shelves. Aldi did the same, recalling both an 80% lean ground beef product and its 80% lean beef patties from stores across 11 states.

Despite the quick actions of all grocery store brands involved, the E. Coli outbreak resulted in 17 people falling ill, one of whom developed hemolytic uremic syndrome. It is thought that six people required medical attention. Unfortunately, one individual passed away as a result of eating Cargill's tainted meat.

Canned Spinach Recalled After Mislabelling

An open can of spinach - Alesia.Bierliezova/Shutterstock

According to a study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, around 1.8% of the United States' population suffers from a peanut allergy. This is a significant amount, especially as those with peanut allergies may suffer from severe reactions, including anaphylaxis, if exposed to the food.

As a rule, most people suffering from peanut allergies practice strict avoidance of these legumes. They are aided in this process by clear labels that list a product's allergens. Unfortunately, during 2018, some cases of Happy Harvest Canned Spinach, which is produced by McCall Farms, failed to list peanuts as a potential allergen due to a labeling fault.

The product, which is only sold in Aldi, was immediately recalled from stores in 16 states. Thankfully, no illnesses or reactions were reported as a result of this mislabeling -- a great relief considering the potentially fatal consequences the error could have had.

Kielbasa Recalled Over Bone Fragments

Turkey kielbasa in packet - JarredChaisson / YouTube

In January 2024, Salm Partners announced that one of its turkey kielbasa products had been found to contain small shards of bone. In partnership with Aldi, the company recalled over 133,000 pounds of the product from Aldi stores across more than 30 states. Despite this, several complaints were lodged by customers who had purchased and started eating the product. One person even suffered a minor injury to their mouth as a result of eating the kielbasa.

Salm Partners issued another recall in March 2024 for a further 35,000 pounds of turkey kielbasa that was distributed by Safeway. This batch was found to be contaminated with small pieces of rubber. No injuries or illnesses were reported as a result of the rubber tainted sausages although two recalls for the same product in such quick succession raised some serious questions about the Salm Partners' manufacturing processes.

Read the original article on Daily Meal

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There's A Big Wrinkle In The Aesthetics Industry Right Now: Fake Botox.

In early April, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a press release regarding counterfeit Botox after four patients were hospitalized for botulism-like symptoms in Tennessee. 

Botulism, in layman's terms, is essentially when a toxin attacks a person's nerves. It's not something to take lightly.

According to the Tennessee Health Department, "All persons reported receiving botulinum toxin injections for cosmetic purposes. All four patients were seen by a healthcare provider and two were hospitalized. Similar botulism-like illnesses have been reported by multiple states. Ongoing investigation suggests that the product administered was counterfeit."

A few weeks later, the CDC would issue an additional press release stating that 22 people in 11 states had experienced negative reactions after receiving counterfeit Botox. There was one disturbing commonality between them: They had all received Botox in a non-healthcare setting. 

Think spa, friend's house, or Botox party.

The patients started to feel adverse symptoms three days after their treatment. Some had blurred vision and drooping eyelids. Others had dry mouth, fatigue, and other symptoms in line with botulism poisoning. More than half of these patients were hospitalized.

@drcheraghlou The CDC is investigating an outbreak of a botulism-like illness that is hospitalizing people and being linked to counterfeit Botox products. This is why dermatologists are so concerned about unregulated aesthetic procedures! #botox #botoxcheck #cosmeticprocedures #dermatologist ♬ original sound – Dr. ShayanDermatologist

US Customs, the CDC, and state health departments have been fighting the importation of fake or unapproved products for the past few years. But this latest string of headline-grabbing hospitalizations could be what truly makes people think twice about going to any run-of-the-mill place to get treated. 

Daily Dot spoke to doctors who administer real Botox in sterile medical settings. Double-board-ceritified plastic surgeon Dr. David Shafer of Shafer Clinic in NYC said, "Patients often don't know what is being injected into them. So, they don't know if they were injected with fake botox."

He went on to explain how patients could experience adverse or innocuous symptoms, saying, "Worrisome symptoms would be trouble breathing, weakness, vomiting, fatigue, change in vision, difficulty swallowing, and pain in areas such as the abdomen. These could be signs of Botulism poisoning, which could occur if fake Botox was administered in exponentially wrong doses. Other signs would be no effect, as the fake Botox may not even contain Botulinum toxin, which is the active ingredient of Botox."

@zcosmetichealth Beware of Fake Botox! ⚠️ There's been a rise in people getting sick from counterfeit Botox injections. These injections, often done by unlicensed providers, can lead to serious health problems, including hospitalization. Stay safe! Get Botox from a licensed healthcare professional and be wary of deals that seem too good to be true. Your health is not worth the risk #botox #fakebotox #doyourresearch @Dr. ZadehCosmetic Doctor #greenscreen ♬ original sound – Dr. ZadehCosmetic Doctor

The price of Botox can range from $10-$50 a unit or $300-$1000 each time a patient is seen. The product is essentially the gold standard for zapping wrinkles and fine lines. But because of price, patients are often lured in by promotions.

"If the price is too good to be true, then it's not genuine Botox Cosmetic," Dr. Shafer said.  "When I see advertisements for 'Botox' at other offices with prices that are below the actual cost of Botox Cosmetic, I know that something is fishy. If the injector doesn't mix the Botox in front of you, then you should be suspicious. If the injector uses the word Botox generally and not specifically Botox Cosmetic then you should ask to see the box. The box and vial have special holograms on them so you can be assured it is the real thing."

This has become a gray area of aesthetics. Because Botox is the go-to injectable for treating signs of aging, the word "Botox" itself is used almost interchangeably with other neurotoxins—like people using "ChapStick" or "Kleenex" to refer to lip balms or tissues, respectively.

In reality, that "Botox" you're getting at a nail salon could be an off-brand product mixed with lidocaine or something you're unaware of.

"Diluting is common, especially in non-medical practices, to gain more profit per treatment," Dr. Shafer said. "This comes at the very real negative effect in the results—the correct number of units are not being injected, so it's less strong."

In essence, a patient isn't gonna see long-lasting results, and they're putting themselves at risk.

Dr. Blair Murphy-Rose, a board-certified cosmetic, medical, and surgical dermatologist at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, regularly treats patients with Botox. She said it can be difficult for some patients to identify real vs. Fake products.

"Truthfully, it can be difficult for patients or consumers to identify," she tells the Daily Dot. "You may ask your provider to show you the box and jot down the lot number and expiration dates, though if you are not very familiar with the packaging of Botox it would be hard to spot a fake. Botox in the US comes in 50mL, 100mL, and 200mL vials. If you notice a vial with a different quantity, you may have an increased suspicion about it."

The topic of fake Botox has gone viral on social media. In an Instagram Reel with 400,000 views, one doctor said, "This is why you get your shoes on sale and not your face," sparking many comments from viewers sharing their experiences. 

"We had a local spa recently get raided by the FBI for this very reason! The owner was shipping in counterfeit Botox and using it on her patients," one person wrote. "She was trying to cut corners to save her bottom dollar."

"My so-called licensed dermatologist was caught and reported with his fake Botox, and nothing happened to him. Just a slap on the wrist," another person commented.

@andrewcohenmd #stitch with @TODAY Show Counterfeit botox has been found in several US states 💉 Here's how to make sure it doesn't happen to you! #todayshow #botox #botoxcheck #botoxnatural #dysport #warning ♬ original sound – Dr. Andrew Cohen

In a separate TikTok, one person wrote, "Where in Texas can we report this to? I was a victim of this, not knowing she wasn't licensed."

On a TikTok explaining the CDC investigation, one person shared, "I believe I was part of this in Texas. How do I report this! Just now finding out about this 3 months later, several hospitalizations, immunotherapy, and long-term care."

The topic has even become a meme of sorts. One person said, "Y'all veneer techs next btw."

Fake Botox and the consequences are no laughing matter, though. If you think this has happened to you, "You can contact the FDA MedWatch program to report your suspicion or call the FDA at 800-551-3989. Begin to document everything so that you have possible clues at home," Dr. Blair said. 

Despite these recent events, it's important to note that getting Botox is generally considered safe. But you should always see a trained, licensed injector in a sterile medical setting and always ask your injector to verify the Botox Allergan hologram on the box.

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