Combining malaria vaccination with chemoprevention: a promising new approach to malaria control - Malaria Journal
rare tropical diseases :: Article Creator Emerging And Reemerging Neglected Tropical Diseases: Epidemiology, Transmission, Mitigation, And Vaccines And Chemotherapy Advancements Zoonotic and other infectious diseases are emerging and reemerging rapidly in recent times owing to altered climatic conditions, changing lifestyles, and unhealthy living conditions. The WHO listed 20 infectious conditions as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), contributing to about 11% of the disease burden globally, affecting over 1 billion people (especially in the tropics and subtropics.) All these NTDs shared two common characteristics. The first is their prevalence in rural and/or displaced communities and urban slums in tropical areas with warmer weather conditions. These are the most susceptible groups. Secondly, the disease-countering therapeutic interventions are low owing to deficient funding. NTDs involve intricate transmission cycles between humans and the verte...