Free vaccines for Medicare under Inflation Reduction Act - WTOC
SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - The Chatham County Health Department is preparing for an influx in seniors to stop by and get their recommended vaccines.
As a part of the Inflation Reduction Act, those vaccines are now free to people on Medicare.
Anyone with Medicare Part D will now pay nothing to get vaccines like Shingles, Pneumonia, Tetanus or any others reommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
The change went into effect on the first of the year but after one month, the Chatham County Health Department says they want even more people to know about the change to come in and get their vaccines.
Even though these vaccines are important the county nurse manager says that the financial burden is enough to keep people from getting the shots and she hopes to see that change.
"We're really hoping that will break down some of those barriers that our community has, especially our elderly population so they will come in and get the protection that they need, the Shingles specifically can be over $100 for one vaccine and it is a two dose series, so that could be $200 plus."
If you are interested, all you have to do is call the health department and tell them you are on Medicare and they can help you set up an appointment.
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