Oakland County animal shelter extends free rabies vaccine offer - Oakland Press

Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center officials are extending a program for free rabies vaccines with the purchase of a dog license through the end of May.

The plan allows dog owners to get the free shots from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays. No appointment is necessary.

"Residents have lined up out our door on Tuesday mornings to get their dogs a free rabies vaccine with the purchase of a license," said Bob Gatt, Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center manager. "We don't want the cost of the rabies vaccine to be a barrier for anyone getting a dog license."

State law requires all dogs four months or older to be licensed. People can buy licenses for their dogs directly from the county office or online; from the treasurer's office in some municipalities, or from a veterinarian.

Dogs that have not been vaccinated or are within five weeks of a new shot qualify for the county's free rabies-vaccination program.

People must license pets by June 1 or face late fees.

A license for a spayed or neutered dog costs $15 for one year, $40 for three years. Owners pay $25 for a one-year license for a dog that is not spayed or neutered, $70 for a three-year license.

A three-year rabies vaccine is required to get a three-year dog license. Pet owners must bring proof of a prior rabies vaccination to get the three-year vaccine.

Gatt is quick to remind dog owners that getting a license means a stray dog is typically returned to its owner instead of going to the shelter.

The Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center, at 1200 N. Telegraph Road, in Building 42 East in Pontiac, handles about 4,000 animals every year. They reunite pets with owners whenever possible and put most of the remaining animals up for adoption.

For details, visit www.oakgov.com/petadoption or call (248) 858-1070.


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