What you need to know about Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma: How to apply, who's eligible - Oklahoman.com

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Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma took effect Thursday, opening access to health coverage for thousands of low-income Oklahomans.

Over 125,000 residents have already been approved for benefits, and Oklahomans can still apply for benefits now. 

Here's what you need to know about Medicaid expansion in Oklahoma, including who's eligible and how to apply:

More: 'A very joyful moment': Medicaid expansion takes effect in Oklahoma

What is SoonerCare?

SoonerCare is Oklahoma's Medicaid program, which is overseen by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority.

What changed under Medicaid expansion? 

Last year, Oklahoma voters approved State Question 802, which expanded Medicaid eligibility to include many low-income adults. 

Until now, SoonerCare has covered children, pregnant women, elderly adults and disabled people. Under the expanded eligibility guidelines, over 200,000 more people are eligible for coverage, according to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority.

Now, any Oklahoma resident between the ages of 19 to 64 who meets certain income guidelines is also eligible for SoonerCare.

More: New laws alter Oklahoma's initiative petition process after narrow passage of SQ 802

Who is eligible under Medicaid expansion? 

Under the expanded Medicaid guidelines, adults ages 19-64 whose income is 138% or lower than the federal poverty level are eligible for coverage.

For an individual, that is an income of about $17,796 a year, or $36,588 for a family of four. Here's a breakdown of the maximum monthly income for eligibility by household size:

How do I apply?

Applications can be submitted online, over the phone or through the mail.

To apply online, visit MySoonerCare.org. To apply over the phone, call the SoonerCare Helpline at 800-987-7767.

To send in an application by mail, printable applications can be found in English and Spanish on the Health Care Authority website. 

When will I hear whether I'm approved?

If you apply online or over the phone, you'll find out immediately whether your application has been approved. 

If you apply by mail, expect a wait of about two to three weeks.

Any tips for filling out an application?

Officials with the Health Care Authority recommend having all the documents you need on hand before starting your application online or over the phone. 

Steve Goldman, who helps people enroll in Medicaid through his work as health navigator at Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, has also offered a few tips: applications can be done multiple times or updated. 

Those who are eligible will want to have coverage before they accrue any medical bills, Goldman said.

"Pre-existing conditions are covered. But pre-existing bills aren't," he said in an interview last month. "So you need to have coverage before your care starts adding up to bills."

How can I get help with my application?

If you have questions about the SoonerCare application, you can call the SoonerCare Helpline at 800-987-7767. 

A number of providers are also offering help with applications. One of them, Variety Care, has application counselors available to help Oklahomans apply through Medicaid expansion. To set up an appointment with an application counselor, call 405-632-6688. 

The Cover OK Coalition has an online guide to applying for SoonerCare, including tips, answers to frequently asked questions, and step-by-step instructions. 

When does coverage begin with SoonerCare? 

For Oklahomans who were approved for SoonerCare benefits through Medicaid expansion during the month of June 2021, coverage began July 1, 2021.

SoonerCare applications can still be done now or at any point in the future. Coverage typically begins the day a person applies.

If I already have SoonerCare, what changes? 

For those already covered by SoonerCare, Medicaid expansion won't change your benefits.


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