The Community Care Clinic of Dare provides medical services to uninsured adults - Island Free Press

Community Care Clinic of Dare.

The Community Care Clinic of Dare provides medical care, medication assistance, and health education to uninsured adults.  Clinic Hours in Nags Head are Monday through Thursday 9a to 2p.  There's also a monthly clinic at the Dare County Health Department Frisco location.  If you have no health insurance, live or work in Dare County, and are 18 or over, call us!  The Community Care Clinic of Dare offers Covid and Flu vaccines.  Medications are delivered directly to the patient's door.  There are specialty care and mental health referrals.  Plus you can get routine lab work and help to access diagnostic tests like MRI's and CT's.  The Community Care Clinic of Dare has interpreters available and can treat chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Call 252-261-3041 to register with the Community Care Clinic of Dare.  Visit our website at

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