TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT: A veteran nurse talks about pandemics, vaccines are 'the right thing' - Daytona Beach News-Journal

Florida just hit a grim milestone: 3 million active cases of COVID-19. The number of Floridians who have been vaccinated continues to climb, and that's a good thing. But many of us still know at least one person who is refusing to get the vaccine — or just hasn't made time. Confronting them can be difficult. So last week, we asked our readers to share their best arguments for getting vaccinated.

We're going to keep running these as long as you continue to write them. Email them to letters@ news-jrnl.com. Please include your name and city and a phone number where you can be reached with questions, and put "COVID" in the subject line.

Understand the pandemic

Your request for compelling arguments for observing health guidelines and obtaining vaccinations against the virus sends me to my computer to tell of my experiences through the years against deadly and dangerous viruses.

In my 65 years  in the nursing profession, I have seen  my third epidemic/pandemic.

First as a student nurse at St. Luke's Hospital in Jacksonville. Our Communicable Diseases Department was where all of the polio patients in Duval County were given care in "iron lungs," and treated with every procedure possible to save lives from paralysis. This was in the 1950s when a nursing shortage meant the students accepted additional responsibilities. I also allowed myself to be placed into the ventilation unit  of the iron lung (and wanted out of it immediately!)

We had many fatalities in that disease; The students were among the first to receive the new "Salk vaccine" as it was developed.

 In 1964, I was five weeks pregnant when rubella visited the Upper Midwest. As an office nurse in our Illinois town, I was bedridden for two weeks to prevent loss of the pregnancy. At that time a vaccine was not yet available. Many babies didn't survive, and many who did survive had many difficulties. My son is blind.

As  the vaccine was available, he received it, as a precaution to protect others.

Now we are in a battle with the coronavirus, as it seeks to devour anyone it can. Scientists have developed vaccines which will allow us to protect our health. Masks are also one of our tools of protection.

It's the reader's choice to protect themselves and other people.

This is the best way to "love our neighbors" and ourselves.

Bessie E. Outman, R.N., Daytona Beach

TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT:  Readers urge fence-sitters and anti-vaxxers to get vaccinated against COVID

TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT: Local residents talk about the reasons to be vaccinated against COVID

TAKE YOUR SHOT: It's an act of love to get the COVID vaccine - Melissa Lammers

TAKE YOUR SHOT: : The sooner we act, the sooner it's over - Pat Northey

TAKE YOUR SHOT: It's not 'you vs. them.' It's 'Us vs. COVID.' - Mike Chitwood

We know what's right

I always wanted a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus and  couldn't wait for one to be developed.  I said I would be the first in line to get one,  They came out, and I went and got mine.  Why?  Because it was the right thing to do.

The first time I saw a picture of the 1918 flu pandemic, I was astonished to see that everyone in the picture was wearing a mask. Why?  Because it  was the right thing to do.

When I was a child I was given the polio vaccine.  Why?  Because it was the right thing to do.

When I was a child I was given the smallpox vaccine.  Why? Because it was the right thing to do.

When I was a child I was given vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella.  Why? Because it was the right thing to do.

If you are still unvaccinated against the COVID-19 virus,  go now and get your shot/shots.  Why?  Because it is the right thing to do.

Joanne Fischette, Port Orange

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