Warning of mumps outbreak in Louth - Drogheda Independent

The HSE have written to schools across Co Louth and the Northeast about an outbreak of mumps.

In the communication, sent to local schools, the HSE explains the situation and the background to the outbreak. They also alert parents and guardians about what to look out for.

"A large number of mumps infections have been notified recently among students in second level schools. The national immunisation schedule recommends that all children have 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine, one at 12 months of age and a second at 4-5 years.

"If your child has either had mumps or is up to date with their MMR vaccine, the chance of him/her developing mumps is low. If, however, your child has not had mumps and has not received the MMR vaccine, then it is quite possible that (s)he might get mumps. If you cannot confirm that your child is up to date / has had age appropriate MMR vaccination (measles, mumps, rubella, vaccine), he/she needs to be vaccinated. MMR is one of the safest vaccines."

Mumps is a viral infection. Symptoms include fever, headache, and swelling of cheek and jaw.

Drogheda Independent



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