HSE warns of mumps outbreak in local second level schools - Talk of the Town

The Health Service Executive (HSE) has circulated a letter to the parents and guardians of local second level schoolchildren notifying them about an outbreak of mumps.

The letter, written by Specialist in Public Health Medicine Dr Peter Finnegan, explains what mumps are and advises that if their child has either had mumps or is up to date with the MMR vaccine then the chance of them developing mumps is low.

However, if they haven’t received the vaccine the letter advises they might get mumps.

Dr Finnegan recommends that children who have not received the vaccine or who have not had mumps be brought to their GP for advice on vaccination.

It is recommended that all children have two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, one at 12 months and a second at aged 4 or 5.

The letter also advises that in order to prevent the spread of mumps to others that children should stay at home for five days after symptoms develop.

Mumps is a viral infection whose symptoms include fever, headache and swelling of the cheek and jaw.

If you suspect your child has mumps, paracetamol or ibuprofen may be used to relieve pain and reduce fever, but if they are very ill, contact a medical practitioner right away.



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