Measles Vaccine Rash: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
fever temperature adults :: Article Creator How To Treat A Viral Fever At Home Unlike bacteria, viruses do not respond to antibiotics. In most cases, viral illnesses simply have to run their course. Staying hydrated or using over-the-counter fever-reducing medications can help until the virus resolves. A viral fever is any fever that happens as a result of a viral infection. Viruses are tiny germs that spread easily from person to person. When you contract a viral condition, such as a cold or flu, your immune system responds by going into overdrive. Part of this response often involves raising your body's temperature to make it less hospitable to the virus and other germs. Most people's usual body temperature is around 98.6°F (37°C). Anything 1 degree Celsius or more above this is considered a fever. Depending on the type of infection causing it, a fever can last anywhere from a couple of days to a week or longer. While the v...